Have you ever faced a situation where you need to copy files from one location and paste them to destination location repetitively with some specific constrains. Like
I had an requirement where i need to copy 200 files from source and paste them to destination folder, only if there is no file present in dest folder. Here dest folder process the file one by one and load it to database. once all files are processed again i need to copy 200 files and paste it. continues human attention required to check destination file count reach to zero. To overcome this, here is a simple vbscript code
This vbscript program will check if there any file on dest folder. if it found no file then it will copy files from source to given destination path. once 200 files are copied then it will break as it goes into if condition. You can schedule this program to run specified time.
Const destPATH =
Const sourcePATH =
dim fso
dim destfolder,sourcefldr,i
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set destfolder = fso.getFolder(destPATH)
set sourcefolder = fso.getFolder(sourcePATH)
If destfolder.files.Count <= 0 then
Set sourcefldr=fso.getFolder(sourcePATH)
if sourcefldr.files.count > 0
for each file in
fso.MoveFile file, destfolder + "\"
if i >=200
exit for
end if
end if
end if
set fso = nothing
set destfolder = nothing
set sourcefolder = nothing